Core Values
Being Bold
Jesus is at the very center of all that we are and all that we do. We seek to boldly carry his good news into the world—for all people and in all places.
Jesus welcomed people from all walks of life, including strangers and outcasts. He stood against all kinds of injustice and went against the grain of society. Through his bold acts, Jesus brought peace and light to all people and all places, even the darkest ones.
We hope to be just as bold with our hands, feet, voice, and especially our hearts. Being bold means listening to our neighbors so that each person can thrive as their true selves. It means being bold in our love for Christ and one another.
Here, we believe God’s love is for EVERYONE, and we seek to be a community of belonging where all are welcome, and all can participate—no matter what or who they are.
Each person is of sacred worth made in the image of God, and your story matters to us. Jesus, in his life, death, and resurrection, welcomes all people with open arms. We are here whether you are seasoned in your spiritual journey or brand new to the faith. What matters to God is where your heart is, not your race, gender, ethnic background, or sexual orientation.
There is a place at the table for you. We have a space for you, and we know that your presence and your story will forever change us.
Our Identity in the UMC
The UMC Articles of Religion
Our Social Principles
Confession of Faith